November 02, 1881 - Gas Lamp
In 1881 the National Gas Company of New York, secured a franchise and put in an extensive [gas] plant. November 2nd, 1881, the city [of San Bernardino] was first lighted by gas and the Times of that date declares: "Gas under the new dispensation was a brilliant success as was abundantly made manifest last evening.
"The brilliancy of light from many places of business and residences was equal to an illumination. It is a light, soft, pure, clear, and brilliant. Its power and diffusive qualities, united with its other good merits, make it a marvel among the successes of artificial illumination.
"The exhibition of its effects last evening was highly gratifying to the throngs of our public streets, to our citizens in their residences, to our guests at the hotels, and to those enjoying the charms of the dance or the delights of social intercourse."
[In 1891] the city was first lighted by electricity, the San Antonio Electric Co. putting in from 500 to 800 incandescent lights.
(Ingersoll's Century Annals of San Bernardino County, 1769-1904, pp. 169 & 383)
Note: This gas lamp is on display in the San Bernardino History & Railroad Museum